At the moment I'm happily working on the above piece, its about a quarter of the way finished so hopefully I'll have it done by tonight! I got an A2 sheet of card and randomly stuck down some strips of red crepe paper. then using a fine paintbrush and Indian ink I'm painting very intricate layered strands over it all. I'm really beginning to like this piece as it stemmed from my photo-shopped images of hair, as I noticed that pictures of moving hair are blurred and not as intricate as the still photographs of hair. When the ink hits the surface of the crepe paper, it immediatly absorbs it and suddenly the intricate lines on the card turn into blurred images. This really shows the movement. I chose red crepe paper as it is a pop colour and emphasises action & movement, but the colour really isn't important in this piece, its the ink itself and the quality of the line through out.
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